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OVERVIEW OF BITDRAW is a brilliant lottery intended for $103 billion industry that will supplant the conventional techniques for lottery utilizing ruinous innovation that gives 100% security of the shoppers.

BitDraw will turn into another reference point for the lottery advertise and will be completely created utilizing blockchain innovation. Utilizing blockchain gives BitDraw intends to be decentralized and more networks contrasted with its customary rivals. Customers must be in the nation on the off chance that they need to partake in any sort of lottery. Bitdraw objectives how to tackle this issue and for all by making a decentralized stage with full straightforwardness and quality review.

An all encompassing methodology and decision is given to the shopper, pick a month to month draw, pick fortunate numbers and an opportunity to end up a month to month mogul. Securing clients ‘ protection, the Platform enables you to save winning numbers and take an interest in the draw.

Ethereum varies from Bitcoin in that it enables you to make brilliant contracts that can be portrayed as exceedingly programmable computerized cash. Dissimilar to numerous different digital forms of money, Ethereum isn’t just a system for trading fiscal esteem, however a system for propelling contracts in light of Ethereum.


The vision is to make another progressive Online lottery stage that is not at all like some other customary lottery frameworks.


The task expects to defeat the bureaucratic and monetary deterrents inside this industry and reward clients for just utilizing the stage. The BitDraw stage is one of a kind both in the subtle elements and extra administrations it offers. This is the primary stage which will be simply devoted to supplant the customary technique for wining lotteries around the globe.


Keeping in mind the end goal to take an interest any conventional lottery clients must be in the nation and ought to have substantial verification of procurement to guarantee the wining cost, also the danger of getting distributed with biodata which prompts hazardous and stole of cash.

Also, the outsider interest and commissions of reserve exchanges. BitDraw, utilizing the Ethereum blockchain, at last needs to determine these issues that clients confront while partaking customary lottery frameworks.

BitDraw will check clients from their storing address as substantial accommodation and wining client will have their cost in the blink of an eye utilizing the intensity of blockchain.

Moreover, KYC process will be obligatory while enrolling the clients on the stage. The time has come to the following level! Consider last time you purchased a lottery ticket. You have to continually take a gander at media or some other source to discover the triumphant lottery and you need to ensure that ticket is held to guarantee the wining cost.

In advanced tickets, you have to confirm your distinguish before asserting the cost. On account of the inventive lottery draw stage these issues will never again exist and month to month cost will be consequently exchanges to clients saved location with no check.


The BitDraw arrangement will take care of three noteworthy issues for organizations, people and purchasers of the lottery business: wipe out expansive expenses, ensure security of assets and give 100% mysterious exchanges.

BitDraw will be overseen by business people and specialists from the lottery business. Their broad experience is combined with monetary pros and blockchain specialists. Together we will set up a solid establishment for a stage which can change installment frameworks for each lottery industry member.

Token deal will happen among August 2018 to 29th of November 2018. The deal will happen through the official site The organization will consume any unsold tokens which would right away build the estimation of BitDraw. They are in dialog with conventional lottery industry to utilize the stage and have effectively swore to utilize BitDraw upon its dispatch.

Through BitDraw Platform, members will have the open door turn into a mogul consistently by partaking a wager draw utilizing the straightforward three stage process.

BitDraw will furnish the client with the likelihood of utilizing the stage in various routes from picking fortunate tickets, asking for gifts or installments and the inclusion of publicizing supports.


The BitDraw Token (symbol: BTDW) will be used as currency within our platform and will therefore be used for sponsorships, donations and purchases.

Using the Ethereum blockchain, BTDW community will be able to receive payments safely and quickly, thus eliminating the annoying problems and slowness of the fiat currencies.

BitDraw is a long term project, all our calculations have been made in order to guarantee an “uninterrupted” production flow, (all this regardless of the various market fluctuations).

Token Details

Symbol – BTDW

Role – Token utility used to get access to services within BitDraw

Accepted Payments – ETH / Crowdsale through Smart Contract

Total Supply – 35,000,000 BTDW / All unsold tokens during the public sale will be burned

Private Sale – July, 2018

Public Token Sale – August, 2018

Tokens – 35,000,000

Available – Public Token Sale: 25,000,000

ICO Price 1 ETH = 1500BTDW

Soft Cap – 3,500ETH

Hard Cap – 17,000 ETH

Our token will be essential for;


Making a donation

Purchasing a song


Buying tickets

Purchasing merchandising

In order to guarantee the adoption of our platform, we have implemented a Smart Contract that will reward the new subscribers, those who invite other users and who will create creating various contents of various types.

Token Distribution and Fund Distribution



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Author: jacobtemi10
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